Investing in communities

Supporting people and communities around the world

Our commitment

We’re committed to being a good corporate citizen, helping to improve society and quality of life where we operate around the world.

We work to protect the health, safety and security of our employees and the public, responsibly manage our socioeconomic impacts and uphold respect for human rights in all of our operations. We strive to collaborate with all stakeholders, including suppliers, customers and our workforce, to help enhance the benefits of our business to local communities.

Our investments in local communities play a key role in meeting our commitments. 

"We’re passionate about using our resources to help address community needs where we operate around the world."
Alvin Abraham

President, ExxonMobil Foundation and Global Manager of Corporate Giving, Exxon Mobil Corporation

Supporting communities

Local investments, focused on economic and educational benefits, are one of the key ways we support communities in which we operate. We work closely with local communities to understand their unique needs, identify and help contribute to long-term, positive local economic and social development, and support effective risk management. The areas below are important parts of our broader approach to supporting communities.

  • Philanthropy and social contributions

    Our corporate and ExxonMobil Foundation contributions support our goal to be an essential partner to communities where we operate. We do this by identifying and addressing key local and company needs. We support a range of programs, with a focus on  STEM education.

  • Respecting human rights

    Our commitment to respecting human rights is embedded throughout our corporate policies, practices and expectations. We’re guided by the goals of universally recognized human rights principles as we identify and mitigate the potential impacts of our activities.

  • Managing socioeconomic impacts

    The key socioeconomic elements of our integrated approach include: identification and assessment of potential impacts and benefits; human rights; community engagement and grievance management; community health, safety and security; local economic development; land use, resettlement and livelihood restoration; cultural heritage; and Indigenous peoples.


    STEM education
    Supporting education is part of our DNA. We’re working with local educators, universities, nonprofits, and global academic leaders to build a pipeline of future engineers and scientists for companies and industries like ours.

    Worldwide giving

    In 2022, collectively, Exxon Mobil Corporation, its divisions and affiliates, employees and retirees, and the ExxonMobil Foundation, provided $158 million in contributions and community investments worldwide.

    Explore the report

    Follow us for more about our global giving and STEM education efforts.





    Who we are

    Discover how our global legacy is helping the oil and gas company fuel the world safely using technology and innovation.