Engaging communities and our supply chain

Our approach

We are committed to being a good corporate citizen in the places we operate worldwide.

We work to safeguard the health and security of our employees and the public, responsibly manage our social impacts, and uphold respect for human rights in our operations. We also strive to create effective collaborations with its stakeholders — our workforce, suppliers and customers, and the communities around the world where we operate. 

  • Respecting human rights

    Our commitment to respecting human rights is embedded throughout our corporate policies, practices, and expectations.
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    Respecting human rights Respecting human rights
  • Managing socioeconomic impacts

    We are committed to being a good corporate citizen in the places we operate worldwide. We maintain high ethical standards; obey applicable laws, rules, and regulations; and respect local and national cultures.
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    Managing socioeconomic impacts Managing socioeconomic impacts
  • Working with our global supply chain

    We work to promote inclusive sourcing open to all, respecting human rights, and working to reduce impacts to the environment in our supply chain, and we seek to work with suppliers that share our commitment.

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    Working with our global supply chain Working with our global supply chain

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