Who we are

Our approach

Who we are

We're focused on meeting society’s evolving needs for energy and essential products and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. 

We are developing meaningful growth opportunities for our employees, and working to help our industrial, commercial, and retail customers succeed by leading in operational and financial performance, building essential partnerships, leveraging our advantaged portfolio, and creating innovative solutions.

Our approach


As the world evolves, so do we. We are constantly working to meet the changing needs of our customers and stakeholders. This ability to adapt has been the key to creating long-term shareholder value and will be critical to continued success in the years to come. Sustainability at ExxonMobil is integrated into what we do and core to our corporate strategy.
Explore the Sustainability Report

Our approach


Getting on a path to net zero requires unprecedented innovation and collaboration at immense scale. The ongoing societal effort is critical but must avoid economic hardships and market disruptions that result from energy and product shortages. 

Solving this challenge is not an “either/or” proposition. It’s an “and” equation. One that requires an increase in supply and reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Given the skills and capabilities required, there’s no question that the energy industry plays a critical role – on both sides of this equation. 
Learn more about our plans and progress, included in our Advancing Climate Solutions Report

Our approach

Environmental management

Our diverse portfolio requires us to work in remote and sensitive environments, such as deep water and areas of high biodiversity. Our environmental management approach is guided by an understanding of the potential environmental and socioeconomic impacts of our operations and a commitment to develop, maintain, and operate projects responsibly, using appropriate standards that enable us to “Protect Tomorrow. Today.
Learn more about our environmental efforts, from water conservation to caring for biodiversity, in our Sustainability Report

Our approach


We aim to be a preferred business partner, employer, neighbor, and supplier. We want our business presence to have a positive impact on the communities where we operate. We work to safeguard the health and security of our employees and the public, deliver social and economic benefits, and uphold respect for human rights in all of our operations worldwide.

Learn more about how care for people is one of our core values in our Investing in People report

Explore the Worldwide Giving Report

Learn about our commitment to respecting human rights in our Sustainability Report

Learn about our integrated socioeconomic management approach in our Sustainability Report

Group of neighbors coming together to support each other.

Our approach

Global Outlook

The Global Outlook is ExxonMobil’s latest view of energy demand and supply through 2050. It forms the basis for our business planning and is underpinned by a deep understanding of long-term fundamentals.
Explore our Global Outlook

Our approach

Annual Report

Review corporate performance data, learn about our business model, read about our outlook for the energy industry, meet our management committee and more.
Explore the Annual Report


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Who we are