Managing socioeconomic impacts

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We are committed to being a good corporate citizen in the places we operate worldwide. We maintain high ethical standards; obey applicable laws, rules, and regulations; and respect local and national cultures. We are dedicated to running safe and environmentally responsible operations. This is reinforced as a guiding principle in our Standards of Business Conduct.
Image United Nations Sustainable Development Goals related to this content.
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals related to this content.


Our Environment Policy and Protect Tomorrow. Today. guiding principle serve as the foundation of our efforts, which are guided by a scientific understanding of the environmental impacts of our operations. In addition, we often consult with stakeholders at early stages of projects and during operations to understand the social and economic needs of the communities in which we operate. We seek to contribute to the social and economic progress of these communities and believe that respecting human rights, managing our impacts on communities, and making valued social investments are integral to the success of our business.

Our integrated socioeconomic management approach supports the early identification of potential environmental and socioeconomic impacts, risks, and opportunities (including those related to human rights), as well as the comprehensive planning and effective implementation of measures and advancements that avoid, reduce, or remedy impacts from our operations.

Core elements

The key socioeconomic elements of our integrated approach include: identification and assessment of potential impacts and benefits; human rights; community engagement and grievance management; community health, safety and security; local economic development; land use, resettlement and livelihood restoration; cultural heritage; and Indigenous peoples. These elements are often interconnected and are best managed in an integrated manner to develop effective approaches to managing risks and opportunities in a broad range of settings.

Impact identification and assessment

ExxonMobil’s projects and operations around the world provide socioeconomic benefits within and beyond the communities where we operate. While there are inherent risks in any type of development or operation, we seek to avoid those risks, reduce them to acceptable levels, or remedy the impacts.

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Community engagement and grievance management

We work collaboratively and transparently with local communities to promote positive, long-term relationships. We consult with local groups and individuals regularly and seek to have our stakeholders effectively represented as community concerns are discussed and decisions are made.  Learn more

Community health, safety and security

We integrate community health, safety, and security into our impact assessments as a key component of our socioeconomic management approach and plans. Our Community Health, Safety, and Security plans typically include identified risks, as well as mitigation and management measures, and monitoring of outcomes.  Learn more

Local economic development

ExxonMobil works closely with local communities to understand the unique needs of the areas where we operate and to identify and help contribute to long-term, positive local economic and social development. 

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Land use, resettlement and livelihood restoration

We respect property rights in the countries and communities where we operate, and we seek to avoid involuntary resettlement and to minimize the need for voluntary resettlement through a disciplined site selection process. Learn more

Indigenous peoples

In locations inhabited or historically used by Indigenous peoples, we work with communities to respect their cultures and customs. In addition, we support employment initiatives and cultural heritage programs through local content development and strategic community investments.

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Cultural heritage

We look for opportunities to help preserve cultural heritage by managing the potential impacts of our operations and by making culturally appropriate community investments.

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Philanthropy and social contributions

ExxonMobil and the ExxonMobil Foundation’s contributions further support our community efforts by providing additional resources to help address strategic local priorities where we do business around the world. We work with governments, other companies, and nongovernmental organizations to help support local communities and broader society in areas such as education, health, and the environment. Our corporate and the ExxonMobil Foundation contributions support a range of programs, including three key areas of concentration: combating malaria, promoting education (in particular STEM education), and supporting women’s economic empowerment.

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