XTO invoice requirements
In this article
How to submit an invoice
Invoices to XTO are accepted in different forms and should be submitted using only one invoicing method. Please do not send your invoices through multiple channels.
If you are a new supplier and needing to be setup with a supplier account/number please work with your XTO representative to start the process before submitting your first invoice.
OpenInvoice / OpenTicket
Standard processing method is via XTO’s OpenInvoice/OpenTicket platform. All suppliers are requested to register with OpenInvoice. Please refer to “How to Register with OpenInvoice” for further instructions.
If not an OpenInvoice user you may submit your invoices by one of the these options:
E-mail Invoices
XTO representative signed invoices, including required support documentation, should be submitted to the e-mail address provided in the XTO invoicing address list.
- Note that e-mail addresses may differ depending on the affiliate/location where you are sending the invoice.
- Invoices related to the Cowboy Plant for the Operations & Maintenance team require a Purchase Order (PO) to be attached to the emailed invoice.
- Invoice must be in PDF machine readable document or TIFF file.
- Invoice must not be encrypted or require a password to access (.zip files cannot be accepted).
- Special instructions submitted in an e-mail will not be monitored.
- PDF or TIFF file resolution needs to be 300 dpi or higher.
- E-mail size cannot exceed 10MB.
- Invoices must comply with the minimum invoice content described below. Invoices with missing or incorrect information may be returned to the supplier unpaid.
Minimum Invoicing Requirements
All invoices must contain the following:
- Invoice details:
- Document type title (i.e. Invoice, Credit Note, Tax invoice)
- Document number/reference
- Document date (format DD-MM-YYYY or in words)
- Purchase reference - Purchase Order (PO) ( if applicable)
- Name and e-mail address of the XTO business contact/client who ordered the Work
- Work Location (Well / Lease / Rig Name)
- If provided, cost code/GFCM
- Net amount
- Tax amount
- Gross amount
- Tax break-down per Tax rate/type or exemption - Unless a tax exemption certificate applies, sales taxes on Goods per the Delivery Point (included as a separate line item.)“Delivery Point” means the location where Goods are delivered.
- Withholding Tax amount & Withholding Tax rate (if applicable)
- Currency code
- Exchange rate or amounts equivalent in local currency shall be provided for invoices issued in foreign currency
- Goods/Services details:
- Invoice amount broken down by Purchase Order line item # (if applicable)
- Description of goods or services provided
- Quantity and Unit of Measure of goods and services invoiced
- Unit Price of each item or service
- Ship-to location if different from Bill To entity
- Delivery date
- Bill To details (refer to XTO invoicing address list):
- XTO affiliate name
- XTO affiliate company code (Co Code)
- XTO affiliate address
- XTO affiliate tax registration number (if applicable)
- Please choose the correct tax registration number according to the delivery location/country
- Supplier details:
- Supplier name
- Supplier address
- Supplier tax registration number (if applicable)
- Supplier remittance information (bank account details)
Support Documentation
Contractor must provide XTO with the following documentation with regard to invoiced amounts, where applicable:
- Hourly or Daily Charges must be submitted with time sheets which include
- Name and title of person performing Work
- Date and hours/day worked
- Applicable rate
- Approval from XTO’s Representative
- The bill of lading and stock transfer ticket must also be included for Goods drawn from Contractor’s stock.
- Invoices for Goods or Services provided by a pre-approved Subcontractor must be submitted with supporting documentation to evidence hours worked and receipt of Goods and materials; provided, however, that Contractor may redact pricing information reflecting profit from Subcontractors, unless such Subcontractor is an Affiliate of Contractor.
- Signature of XTO Representative or similar approval electronically, provided that a copy of such electronic approval is submitted with the invoice.
- Copies of Field Tickets, Quotes, Rate Sheets, Work Orders/POs, etc.
- Signed delivery tickets
Paper Invoices
- Invoices should not be submitted in paper form unless it is mandatory as per local regulations.
Payment status tracking
You can check payment status directly in OpenInvoice. If not a registered OpenInvoice user, you can check payment status or submit payment-related questions via the supplier login - ExxonMobil Supplier Portal.
Vendor frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Q: How do I submit a credit invoice (credit note)?
A: You can submit credit invoices the same way you submit other invoices. Please ensure the credit includes a negative balance and references the original debit invoice.
Q: Why is my invoice not yet paid?
A: Delayed payments can be caused by various factors, such as a vendor account not being created or up to date, prices on the Pricebook not matching the invoice, a missing minimum invoice requirement or no GR indicated on invoice. You may submit a ticket via the ServiceNow Supplier Portal for specific questions regarding invoices submitted.
Q: How can I check my invoice status?
A: You can check invoice status directly in OpenInvoice. If not an OpenInvoice user, you can check invoice status in the ServiceNow Supplier Portal.
Q: How can I get help with submitting ticket(s) in OpenTicket?
A: You can submit for OpenTicket help via the ServiceNow Supplier Portal.
Q: How can I make updates to my rates in Pricebook?
A: You can submit for Pricebook updates via the ServiceNow Supplier Portal.
Q: How do I update my contact details?
A: Supplier account updates needed including address, banking information etc. can now be requested through our supplier website. Please go to ExxonMobil for suppliers and follow the directions under Supplier Record Update.
Q: My invoice was rejected or is not in the system. Whom should I contact?
A: If the invoice is not found in the ServiceNow Supplier Portal, please submit a ticket via the tool, and we will look into the matter.
Q: How can I participate in the Early Payment Discount Program?
A: You can reach out to ptp.help@exxonmobil.com
Q: Why was my invoice rejected with message to “resubmit to xto-acct-central-utilites@exxonmobil.com”?
A: Previously used Shared Mailboxes are being phased out. Invoices should be submitted to xto-acct-central-utilites@exxonmobil.com. Invoices submitted to phased out Shared Mailboxes will be rejected and will not be processed.
Supplier-related questions or updates?