Embracing "leave no trace" hiking principles to safeguard our natural heritage

Hong Kong is home to a wealth of hiking trails with stunning and tranquil scenery, making hiking a popular activity among the locals and visitors but also leading to concerns about damage to the countryside. According to the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department’s statistics*, in 2022, 2,100 metric tons of trash was collected from Hong Kong's country and marine parks — a significant rise of 300 tons from the preceding year. To help promote environmental protection and waste reduction, ExxonMobil Hong Kong (EMHK) is thrilled to support the Green Power Hike for the 16th consecutive year since 2009, raising funds for Green Power's environmental education work. This year, eight of our employees, their relatives and friends participated in the charitable hiking competition, having the best of both worlds by appreciating the beauty of nature while taking their trash home to keep the countryside clean.

First launched in 1994, the Green Power Hike is a flagship event of Green Power advocating the "leave no trace" hiking principles of avoiding waste generation and minimizing hikers' ecological footprint, which resonates with ExxonMobil's environmental management approach of caring for land and biodiversity. Our active participation in this event over the past years is a testament to our dedication to preserving the precious local countryside. We seek to collaborate with different environmental organizations and join hands with our colleagues to help safeguard the communities and environment where we operate for future generations.

*Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department - Country & Marine Parks - Learning about Country Parks and Marine Parks - Useful Statistics (afcd.gov.hk)
