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Consultation Hub

Upcoming activities
Read more about our upcoming projects below.
South East Australia Carbon Capture and Storage Project
Learn more about this storage hubEsso Australia is undertaking front-end engineering design (FEED) studies to determine the potential for carbon capture and storage to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from multiple industries in the Gippsland Basin.
Decommissioning in the Bass Strait
Learn more about decommissioningWe are currently managing the decline in Bass Strait oil and gas production by streamlining our operations, including decommissioning our non-producing offshore facilities.
Turrum Phase 3 Drilling
Read the informational bulletinEsso is planning to undertake a drilling campaign from the Marlin Complex (Marlin A and Marlin B) location in the Gippsland Basin off the Victorian coastline. This campaign will be completed during 2025 along with other jack-up rig activities.
Jack-up rig Well Plug and Abandonment
Read the informational bulletinEsso Australia is planning to plug and abandon (P&A) 21 platform-based wells and five subsea wells in the Gippsland Basin, off the Victorian coastline.
Bass Strait State Waters Environment Plan
Esso Australia is reviewing and updating the Environmental Management Plan for petroleum activities in State waters, as required under the Victorian Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2010.
Kipper Subsea Drilling
Read the informational bulletinEsso is planning to undertake a subsea drilling campaign at the Kipper location in the Gippsland Basin off the Victorian coastline. This campaign was originally planned for 2020 and will now be completed during 2025 along with other jack-up rig activities.
Gippsland Basin Geophysical and Geotechnical Investigations Environment Plan
Esso is planning to continue to undertake geophysical and geotechnical (G&G) activities across multiple licence areas located within Commonwealth Waters in Bass Strait.
Community Information Sessions
Upcoming Community Information Sessions to be held in the 2nd quarter of 2025. Details to follow.
Explore more
Community engagement and partnerships
ExxonMobil Australia considers building strong and effective community relationships an essential element of our business.2 min read
Education Programs
ExxonMobil knows only too well the importance of inspiring future generations to think about maths and science as a career pathway.2 min read