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"Each day brings a new challenge"

Birkenhead Terminal and Adelaide Airport Manager Aaron Bandy has worn multiple hats during his time with Mobil which has provided him with significant learning opportunities and ultimately career advancement.
Aaron commenced work with Mobil in 2014 as a project manager in engineering and over the years he has worked in multiple facilities and departments across Australia and New Zealand.
“Mobil has provided many great opportunities and given me experience in leadership, integrity, reliability, projects and major hazard facility safety case management,” Aaron said.
The key to his success has been embracing new challenges and opportunities as they are presented to build knowledge and skills.
“The operations roles during my career have been fantastic, especially opportunities to lead the high calibre people we have at Mobil who are working on such a broad range of activities.”
Aaron cites the variety of work in a dynamic market as an important factor in keeping him engaged and excited about going to work each morning.
“Each day brings a new challenge to tackle while working with incredible people and having fun at the same time.”
Aaron has some advice for those looking to build a successful career in the industry. “Take the opportunities provided by the variety of work on offer. You’ll build a really broad skill set and you never know where it can lead.”
Aaron’s goals for this year include plans to instill a new Personnel Safety Management System leadership culture and to improve the customer experience at both Birkenhead and Adelaide Airport sites.
“I am also excited to be a part of the energy transition and the opportunities it brings to Mobil.”