Our partners in building women's economic opportunities

ExxonMobil is proud to work with a range of partners including community-based organizations, global NGOs, universities and government agencies to increase economic opportunities for women in developing countries and emerging markets.
ADPP Angola

ADPP's Women Farmers' Clubs organize and train women subsistence farmers in the Kwanza Sul province of Angola to increase their agricultural production. With our support, the program has trained 1,500 women to apply more efficient and sustainable technologies to obtain better prices for their produce, and become more successful farmers and entrepreneurs.

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Bush Institute

We support the George W. Bush Institute to convene First Ladies and relevant policymakers, NGO and business leaders, funders, practitioners and experts to discuss the seminal role spouses of heads of state can play in the socio-economic life of their countries.

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Center for Global Development

CGD is a leading not-for-profit organization where world-class scholars use independent, rigorous research to develop new knowledge and practical solutions to reduce poverty. CGD senior fellow Dr. Mayra Buvinic helps steward ExxonMobil Foundation’s groundbreaking research on women’s economic empowerment, in particular our work on mobile savings products for women.

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The Royal Institute of International Affairs at Chatham House

The Royal Institute of International Affairs at Chatham House is a nonprofit, nongovernmental organization based in London, whose mission is to analyze and promote the understanding of major international issues and current affairs. ExxonMobil works with Chatham House on measuring the impact of women’s economic empowerment and convenings of the Global Business Coalition for Women’s Economic Empowerment.

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Cherie Blair Foundation for Women

We support the Road To Growth initiative in Mexico, which will help 500 women entrepreneurs grow their businesses.

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Council on Foreign Relations Women and Foreign Policy Advisory Council

The Council on Foreign Relations is an independent nonpartisan membership organization, think tank and publisher dedicated to being a resource on foreign-policy choices facing the United States and other countries. We support the organization’s Women and Development series.

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KickStart promotes sustainable economic growth and employment creation by developing and promoting technologies that can be used by entrepreneurs to establish and run profitable small-scale enterprises. We partner with KickStart to integrate manually powered irrigation pumps — which enable poor farmers to grow high-value crops throughout the year — into our existing women’s farming programs in Africa.

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In partnership with Kopernik, we’re supporting Indonesian women to become micro-social entrepreneurs, boosting their income and making eco-friendly, money-saving, health-improving technologies like solar lanterns, water filters and fuel-efficient cookstoves available in remote communities in Indonesia.

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Global Women in Management program

We support the Global Women in Management Program (GWIM), which provides intensive training and skills development for women community leaders in developing countries. We’ve supported the GWIM program since 2005, providing training workshops to more than 600 women globally.

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Solar Sister

Using a neighbor-to-neighbor distribution system, Solar Sister provides women entrepreneurs with the business training and necessary skills and tools to deliver solar technology solutions to their communities. With our support, Solar Sister has grown to a thriving network of Solar Sister Entrepreneurs who have brought the benefits of clean energy to communities across Uganda, Nigeria and Tanzania.

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Technoserve is an international nonprofit that promotes business solutions to poverty in the developing world by linking people to information, capital and markets. ExxonMobil Foundation supports Technoserve’s work with women farmers in Nigeria and female entrepreneurs in Mozambique.

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WEConnect International

WEConnect International supports the education, self-registration and certification of growth-oriented businesses that are at least 51 percent owned, managed and controlled by one or more women. Our support is focused on supplier development and training initiatives for women-owned enterprises in countries such as Mexico, Nigeria and Indonesia.

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Discover how our global legacy is helping the oil and gas company fuel the world safely using technology and innovation.